以下分享一篇閱測混合題考題創作。文章內容出處為《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review),已獲得原文轉載同意。考題後面附上解答以及考生容易答錯題目的解析說明。
When assessing charges of wrongdoing in the workplace, it can be hard to know whether claims of innocence should be believed, so managers often rely on indirect clues. A new study finds that one common clue — whether the accused reacts angrily — reliably predicts guilt, but not in the way most people expect.
In the first of several experiments, participants viewed clips from the television show Judge Faith and rated the degree to which the accused seemed angry and the likelihood that he or she was guilty. Results showed that participants’ perceptions of anger went hand in hand with their perceptions of guilt. Knowing that someone is angry triggers an impression that he or she is uncooperative and deceitful, the researchers say.
In the next experiment, participants read about a robbery suspect who pled not guilty and was described, in various scenarios, as displaying anger, irritation, or calmness or declining to answer. Participants were more likely to think him guilty when they read a scenario in which he reacted angrily versus irritably or calmly, and they were most likely to think him guilty in versions where he remained silent — suggesting that refusing to respond to a false accusation in order to avoid appearing angry can backfire. Subsequent lab experiments involving fraud investigators, auditors, and other professionals who routinely assess workplace violations found similar results.
In the final experiments, participants wrote about a time when they were accused of a misdeed, either falsely or justifiably, and reported their accompanying emotions. People felt and displayed more anger when they had been falsely accused, regardless of whether the matter was trivial or consequential. “Perceivers are not accurate lie detectors,” the researchers write. “Not only [is] anger…an invalid cue of guilt, it is a valid cue of innocence.”
— Permissions granted from Harvard Business Review Issue 4 July-August 2021 How Good Is Your Company at Change?
答案為53. (D) 54. (A) 55.(C) 56. (1) remained silent. (2) had been falsely accused.
56(1)有些考生會誤答為 reacted angrily,原因可能是找到類似的句型就照抄隨後的答案,但沒有正確理解語意。最主要的解題重點是,考生必須完整閱讀第三段的關鍵句Participants were more likely to think him guilty when they read a scenario in which he reacted angrily versus irritably or calmly, and they were most likely to think him guilty in versions where he remained silent — suggesting that refusing to respond to a false accusation in order to avoid appearing angry can backfire. 即可知道第二個實驗是有各種情境(scenario)要受試者判斷(reacted angrily versus irritably or calmly)。受試者認為沈默者嫌疑更大。因此,拒絕對被指控罪行回應反而會產生反效果,這也解釋了55題backfire的意思。